(Fonte: http://www.who.int/campaigns/world-health-day/2015/en/)
A Biblioteca da FCNAUP junta-se à comemoração mundial da saúde, assinalada
anualmente no dia 07 de abril. O tema lançado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde
para este ano é From farm to
plate: make food safe.
Transcrevemos a mensagem anual da OMS para 2015:
much do you know about your food? Unsafe food is linked to the deaths of an estimated
2 million people annually. As our food supply becomes increasingly globalized
new threats are constantly emerging. Food containing harmful bacteria, viruses,
parasites or chemical substances is responsible for more than 200 diseases,
ranging from diarrhea to cancers. Be informed to ensure that the food on your
plate is safe to eat.” (Fonte: http://www.who.int/campaigns/world-health-day/2015/en/)
A par do convite à participação nestas iniciativas, sugerimos a consulta e a leitura das obras existentes na biblioteca da FCNAUP indicadas abaixo.
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